Pet Care in Abilene: 4 Symptoms Your Cat Needs A Diabetic Check-Up Now
Feline diabetes is a challenging disease but it's largely preventable if detected early. Read these symptoms of diabetes in cats and book your check-up date now
Did you know that between 0.2 and 1 percent of cats in the general population suffer from diabetes? And with many cat’s underlying diabetes going undiagnosed, these statistics are likely to be much higher.
While such figures aren’t sky-high, they’re still worth concern and it’s crucial to look out for the early symptoms of diabetes in cats.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic and potentially fatal condition in cats if it's not picked up in the early stages. The disorder is most prevalent among obese cats, male cats over eight years old, and cats on a diet high in carbohydrates.
The good news, however, is that with early detection there’s the high possibility of reversibility or remission with treatment. Combining blood regulation with insulin therapy and changes in the diet means that some cats can go on to live diabetes-free for many months or even years.
Have you noticed some unusual behaviors of your favorite feline friends? Have you been wondering – ‘does my cat have diabetes?’ If you’re concerned, read on to learn of the four symptoms of diabetes to look out for in your cat.
1. Excessive Urination & Thirst
If your kitty is urinating frequently, they may be suffering from Type I or Type II diabetes. This is because your cat’s kidneys attempt to remove the excess glucose from the body by urination.
Increased urination can then lead to possible dehydration and a larger thirst.
If you’re not really aware of your cat’s drinking habits, try not to panic as cat’s don’t tend to drink much in the first place. So, while it’s difficult to spot signs of excessive thirst, a better sign to look out for is more frequent urination and a wetter, heavier litter.
If you notice that you need to change the litter box more frequently – you should get your cat checked out by the vet immediately.
Likewise, if your cat has started urinating in random spots in the house, such as on the bed or on rugs, this could be another sign of diabetes. Though it can be easy to disregard these as behavioral problems, the underlying issues could be more serious and it’s important to rule out diabetes first.
If your cat already suffers from a disorder such as a chronic urinary tract infection, make sure you ask your veterinarian about screening for diabetes as these conditions could be linked.
2. Increased Weight Loss & Appetite
Although diabetes is more prevalent in obese cats, sudden weight loss is one of the common cat diabetes symptoms in early diagnosis.
When a cat has diabetes, its cells can no longer absorb the glucose from the blood effectively. The starved cells will then activate the breakdown of the fats and proteins available as an alternative source of energy. Rapid weight loss will then cause an increase in appetite.
This weight loss is then in turn replaced with weight gain. Be sure to keep an eye on your cat’s eating habits, and if anything seems out of the ordinary take your moggy to the vet immediately.
Cats are fussy by nature when it comes to food and each has its own special dinnertime tendencies so picking up on any unusual habits should be relatively easy.
3. Decreased Activity
Decreased activity or a loss of interest in moving around is another of the signs of diabetes in cats.
If your cat was once playful and energetic and suddenly loses interest in such behavior, they may be unwell.
As older cats can sleep for up to a whopping 20 hours a day, it can be difficult to tell if an older cat is feeling lethargic. However, try to notice if your cat is having any difficulty performing any physical activities – this can even include whether they avoid jumping on furniture they once used to.
This feeling of weakness can be connected to the lack of or loss of interest in activities as your feline friend may not be able to use the energy he or she would normally gain from food.
So, if your cat stops playing, hiding, or starts sleeping even longer than usual, diabetes may be an underlying issue.
4. Change in Gait
As mentioned, diabetes in cats can lead to weakness, which can, in turn, make them walk flat on the back of their hind legs. As the disease progresses, the cat’s legs will become even more weak, alongside other health complications such as vision loss or coma.
As soon as you notice any obvious weaknesses or change of gait in your cat, take them to the vet immediately for a health screening.
Looking out for Symptoms of Diabetes in Cats
To prolong the quality of life for your furry friend, it’s important to always be aware of the symptoms of diabetes in cats.
If you suspect your cat is sick and notice any concerning patterns of excessive urination, increased thirst, heightened appetite, decreased activity, or change in gait, don’t hesitate to visit a vet as soon as possible. Remember that the sooner your cat is diagnosed with diabetes, the easier it is to treat.
Even if you don’t notice such symptoms, a regular health check-up at the vet twice a year is recommended.
If you’re a cat owner living in the Abilene area, feel free to make an appointment if you have any concerns of diabetes or if you’d just like a regular check-up. Together we can ensure that your family member can enjoy a long, healthy, and happy life.