Our records indicate it's time to re-weigh your pet.
Weight management is critical for your pet's comfort and logevity. Obese pets are at risk for diabetes, kidney problems, hypertension, liver problems and all kinds of orthopedic problems, ranging from "simple" osteoarthritis to ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligaments to ruptured discs in their backs. In addition, obese pets have a 100% increased risk of cancer!
Regular weigh-ins of your pet helps insure that the weight management program custom-designed for your pet by one of the doctors at Windmill Animal Hospital is effective. Weigh-ins also make sure that your pet isn't losing weight TOO fast--crash diets are just as uncomfortable for pets as they are for people!
Pets on a weight-management program should be re-weighed at least monthly. Your are welcome to come by any time during regular business hours to weigh your pet on one of our digital scales; we will record the new weight in your pet's record for you, so no need to worry about writing it down!