Our records show your pet is due for some diagnostic laboratory blood tests. These tests fall into 4 categories:
- Your pet's previous lab work (such as a pre-anesthetic profile associated with an routine surgical procedure, or bloodwork associated with an illness your pet endured, or a previous urinary tract infection), revealed a POSSIBLE problem. You are being sent this reminder to alert you that it's time to recheck your pet's lab work, to verify that there IS or IS NOT a concern with your pet's internal health. Abnormalities in lab work that commonly show up that need to be double-checked include elevated kidney values, elevated liver values, elevated white blood cell counts, depressed platelet counts, urinary tract infections/crystals, etc. Rechecking your pet's lab work will indicate whether the abnormality has resolved, or will need to be managed in future.
- Your pet has been diagnosed with a chronic medical ailment, such as diabetes or compromised kidney function, and the values need a routine recheck. Routine rechecks, usually twice a year, are critical to proper management of your pet's chronic health problem, to insure proper management and optimum comfort and longevity for your pet.
- Your pet is on long-term anticonvulsant medications, such as phenobarbital or potassium bromide, or is on hormonal supplementation, such as for low thyroid, or is on long-term Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammtant drugs for chronic pain. Serum anticonvulsant medication levels MUST be checked at least annually, as well as a Complete Blood Count and a General Chemistry Panel. If the levels get too low, therefore, ineffective, your pet will start seizing again. If the levels get too high, the anticonvulsant drug becomes dangerous, toxic, and could induce the very seizures it is designed to prevent. The only way to know if the dose of anticonvulsant is correct is to check the serum levels. The only way to make sure the anticonvulsant isn't causing problems with your pet's internal organ health is to do blood work. Thyroid and other hormone supplementation must also be checked at least annually--if the dose is too low, your pet will receive no benefit and you will waste your time and money; if the dose is too high, your pet's health could be seriously harmed. NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatant Drugs (known as NSAIDs) do a very good job of relieving pain, but they ALL can cause digestive upset, they ALL put stress on the liver, and they ALL lower blood pressure to the kidneys. Therefore, pets on long-term NSAIDs MUST have their liver & kidney health checked at least every 6 months, as well as a complete blod count to verify no chronic blood loss through GIT inflammation.
- Your pet is 8 years of age or older, and needs routine blood screens to verify normal internal organ health. All senior pets (8 years +), and, especially geriatric pets (10 years +), should have their internal health assessed via blood work at least annually. The earlier a developing problem is detected, the easier and less expensive it is to manage.
Windmill Animal Hospital has extensive in-house lab test capability; we are able to process most of our patients' lab testing needs right here at our hospital. This means fast turn-around, and accurate results for you, our client!
Please call or email us today, to discuss your pet's lab work needs, and get an appointment scheduled.