Our records show your ferret is due for its Distemper vaccine. Unvaccinated ferrets are very susceptible to Canine (dog) Distemper. It is often spread by sneezing or exposure to infected dogs, or the owners carrying the virus home from contact with carrier or infected dogs. It has an incubation period of 6-9 days and is almost always fatal in ferrets. The ferrets become depressed, can have dark tarry stools, develop a skin rash, nasal and eye discharges and eventually nerve degeneration. There is no successful treatment. Early signs can be mistaken for human influenza, to which ferrets are also susceptible.
The good news is that vaccination is very successful at preventing Canine Distemper infection in ferrets. Generally, ferrets receive their first distemper vaccination at 6-8 weeks, a booster vaccination at 10-12 weeks, and again at 14-16 weeks of age. They are then given a yearly distemper booster vaccination.